Body Working Balls

Myofascial Release Balls

Body Working Balls: Our specially designed Myofascial Release Balls

Fifteen years of development and practical use have resulted in our ideal two balls of different diameters. Designed to maximise the benefits of moulding to different parts of the human body our body working balls, sometimes called myofascial massage balls, offer distinct benefits, especially their multi-directional movement and adaptability to the body, which offer an advanced approach to myofascial release compared to the traditional myofascial foam roller. This superior functionality, combined with the technique's ability to enhance flexibility without compromising muscle strength, positions myofascial release balls as a preferred choice for effective myofascial therapy.

Dynamic Movement: Unlike foam rollers, Body Working Balls can move in multiple directions. This multi-directional movement allows for more nuanced and effective myofascial release techniques, providing a smoother and more thorough therapy experience.

Moulding to the Body: The malleable nature of the Body Working Balls enables them to conform to the body's contours, offering a more even distribution of pressure. This adaptability reduces the likelihood of triggering a fascial tightening response, which can occur with the more rigid foam rollers.

Pressure Adjustment: Body Working Balls can be quickly adjusted in terms of pressure by inflating or deflating, offering a customized experience for different body parts and personal preferences. Foam rollers, being uniform in density, lack this level of adaptability.

Lengthening Muscles Without Weakening Them

A key benefit of myofascial release, using Body Working Balls, is the ability to lengthen muscles and improve flexibility around joints without affecting short-term muscle strength. This is particularly crucial for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who require immediate muscle strength post-therapy.

Integrating Myofascial Release with Strength Training

Pre-Workout Release: Starting a workout session with myofascial release prepares the muscles for strenuous activity, making them more pliable and less prone to injury.

Post-Release Strengthening: Following up myofascial release with targeted strength training can lead to enhanced muscle development, as the muscles are already warmed up and more responsive.

Comprehensive Approach: The combination of myofascial release using Body Working Balls, followed by strength training and capped with gentle stretching, offers a holistic approach to muscle health.